The AMHP Blog Post Archive

Dr. Miriam Grossman Fighting Back

By Phillip Crum | March 11, 2024 |
Dr. Miriam Grossman Fighting Back

Last summer I bought a book recommended by Dr Jordan Peterson, Explaining PostModernism by Dr Steven Hicks, a well-known philosophy professor in the academic circles. As the title suggests, it explains the genesis of postmodern thought and does a highly academic job of answering the question, “how did we get here in the social mess we find ourselves in these days?” The book’s focus is on the reasons for, and the birth of, modernism, or the Enlightenment. It follows the historical personalities that ultimately generated Marxism, its various failed attempts to remain relevant, and it’s vampiric refusal to die. It culminates in the movements not so quiet ’60’s retreat into academia, the cradle of all civic thought, as a last…

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Why We Renamed Our Podcast Show

By Phillip Crum | March 5, 2024 |
Why We Renamed Our Podcast Show

We’re renaming our weekly podcast from the “Therapy Sisters” to “Therapy Disruptors“. Seems there’s another pair of sisters out there using that name as well so they can have it and we wish them well. Considering the madness that is attacking our world including our profession we wanted to come up with something that captured our mission in two simple words. We wanted something that was in keeping with our overall brand-theme of patriotism, America first, common-sense, God and liberty and in the spirit of the founding fathers. Why We Renamed Our Podcast Show AMHP exists because the traditional groups have rolled over and bought into the madness. We speak up because we’re tired of having our values and beliefs…

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GAC and My Duty to Report

By Phillip Crum | February 19, 2024 |
GAC and My Duty to Report

Last year SB 14 was passed outlawing transgender conversion therapy for minors in TX. Kathleen became aware of a local, N. TX counseling group that publicly offers to write the GAC letters required by the WPATH conversion protocol before any medication or surgery may be applied. This particular counseling group also sees children which raised the question, when do I have a duty to report another counselor for this activity? At the Feb 2, 2024 LPC Board meeting the following comments were read into the record during the Public Comments segment. At AMHP we are aware that SB 14 is currently being tested in the TX higher courts, and that any clarifications of official opinions, extant code, or recently passed…

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About the AMHP OnDemand CE Library

By Kathleen Mills LPC-S | February 5, 2024 |
About the AMHP OnDemand CE Library

Our new AMHP CE Library is up and running and I want to make it crystal clear how this thing works. Then please run out and tell every licensed counselor you know all about it and give them the link to the AMHP site. Here we go. About the AMHP OnDemand CE Library 1. The CE Library is for AMHP Members only. 2. The CE Library is included in your annual AMHP membership, no extra charge. (Your first year membership is $10 bucks. You know where you can get almost all your ce’s cheaper than that?) 3. Our weekly podcast, The Therapy Sisters, is available in the CE Library for ce credit. The podcast is also available in our Spotify…

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About Your License Renewal Requirements

By Kathleen Mills LPC-S | January 29, 2024 |
About Your License Renewal Requirements

Okay, I guess we better do this one more time then we’ll move on. Effective Jan 1, 2024 if you are a licensee of the TX LPC, LMFT, Psych, or SW Boards then your bi-annual license renewal falls under the complete set of guidelines that were argued extensively (not by the boards!) in ’22 and passed in early ’23. All but the 50% rule has been in effect since early last year but as of Jan 1 2024, even that applies now to all licensees. I am encouraging you to pay attention to what I’m about to tell you ’cause this was not just a few cosmetic changes made to the rules, then back to business as usual. This will…

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More Board Regulation on the Way

By Kathleen Mills LPC-S | January 22, 2024 |
More Board Regulation on the Way

Our licensing boards….aka, “The Gift That Keeps on Giving”, they’re better than the Jelly of the Month Club. Just when you think the dust has settled on the nonsense one of them finds another reason to justify their existence. More Board Regulation on the Way? This time the LMFT Board wants to talk about adding yet another required ce topic to your renewal hours. Someone thinks it’s a good idea to train every licensee in the State of Texas in Crisis Intervention even if you never plan to utilize that specialization. That’s right, because there was a shooting in Uvalde we now need to train everyone, probably every renewal cycle on a specialization that 95% of you will never use.…

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Aetna Tightening Virtual Appointment Coverage Benefits

By Kathleen Mills LPC-S | January 16, 2024 |
Aetna Tightening Virtual Appointment Coverage Benefits

About a month ago Aetna, sent out an email to its various subscribers and a copy of it ended up in my Inbox. The gist of it was that they would no longer be providing policy coverage for virtual, or telehealth appointments. Let that soak in! It wasn’t clear if this new policy applied to mental health virtual calls or just those delivered by primary care physicians, so I called them. Took a few minutes but I finally got someone on the line who felt comfortable answering my questions and I was clearly informed that the new policy DID NOT apply to 95 and GT modifiers. It did not appear to apply to virtual appointments provided by mental health counselors.…

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What’s Ahead in 2024?

By Kathleen Mills LPC-S | January 9, 2024 |
What's Ahead in 2024

Phillip and I hope your holidays were good to you and we look forward to an even better year ahead of us in 2024. We all know there’s some really crazy stuff going on out there and with a November election on the calendar things are sure to heat up. Both sides will be playing all their cards so buckle up and pay attention to current events. Who Won the Game Last Night? Congratulations to my Michigan Wolverines who won the National Collegiate Football Championship last night. It was quite an impressive display from Coach Harbaugh’s boys. Better luck next year, Ohio State! What’s New for AMHP Members in 2024? Several new programs are up and running now just waiting…

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