The AMHP Blog Post Archive

Who’s Eavesdropping on Your Sessions?

By Kathleen Mills LPC-S | June 10, 2024 |
Who's Eavesdropping on Your Sessions?

Given all the gadgets in our lives today and our clients’ attachment to them, ever wonder who’s eavesdropping on your sessions? Who’s Eavesdropping on Your Sessions? Have you ever had a conversation with someone in your home and about an hour or two later you started seeing ads on your laptop for exactly what you were talking about? I have. It’s creepy and more common than you think. It’s because your smart phones, your smart TV’s, your Google Alexa and other devices are all “listening” to your conversations. What you talk about informs the marketing file these people keep on you and in turn tells their various partner ad-platforms what you might be interested in. Yes, Virginia, that’s really a…

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Phillips Public Comments LPC Board Meeting

By Phillip Crum | June 10, 2024 |
Phillip’s Public Comments LPC Board Meeting

On June 7 of 2024, The Austin BBQ Club from the AMHP organization, made the trek to Austin in the wee hours of the morning to make our public comments in person. The post below is the message delivered by Phillip Crum and may be viewed in its entirety in this video. The public comments begin at approximately the 1 hour and 54 minute mark. Kathleen’s comments are also in the same video and may be read in this post. Phillips Public Comments LPC Board Meeting My name is Phillip Crum, co-founder of the Association for Mental Health Professionals. Over-Regulation and the Quadrennial Review We’ve just entered Phase 2 of the Quadrennial Review process. I would like to urge the…

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Kathleen’s Public Comments LPC Board Meeting

By Kathleen Mills LPC-S | June 10, 2024 |
Kathleen's Public Comments LPC Board Meeting

On June 7 of 2024, The Austin BBQ Club from the AMHP organization, made the trek to Austin in the wee hours of the morning to make our public comments in person. The post below is the message delivered by Kathleen Mills LPC-S and may be viewed in its entirety in this video. The public comments begin at approximately the 1 hour and 54 minute mark. Phillip’s comments are also in the same video and may be read in this post. Kathleen’s Public Comments LPC Board Meeting My name is Kathleen Mills, LPC-S. I am also a co-founder of the Association For Mental Health Professionals. On BHEC’s Positive Improvement Things have dramatically improved since the inception of BHEC almost 4…

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Need More Website Traffic?

By Phillip Crum | June 4, 2024 |
Need More Website Traffic?

Chances are you think you need more website traffic. And you probably do! Most people default to the idea that they “need more SEO”. No, what you need is more traffic. Why Don’t I Need More SEO? SEO is just making sure the environment that envelopes your website is properly structured and sending the right mating signals to Google and all his friends. Assuming you have the proper local seo measures already in place on your website, and you’ve completed your business profile with Google and your Top 10 directories, the only thing “more SEO” will get you is a lighter wallet. So How Do I Get More Traffic? How do you catch more fish? Put more bait in the…

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Bullet-Proofing Your Story is One Way to Fight Back

By Kathleen Mills LPC-S | May 20, 2024 |
Bullet-Proofing Your Story

One of many things you can do as a counselor to help right the ship that is our profession is the act of bullet-proofing your website. Make your positions known so that your site visitors who are trying to determine your belief system can do so with ease. One of the things you can do is craft “your story” so it paints a good picture of who you are. This is not a bio or a list of your accomplishments, it’s your “why”. (People don’t care about your cat’s name or your favorite cookie. They want to know if YOU are going to be a good fit for them and their specific issues. They want to know you as a…

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IndoctriNation: How Woke Ideology Hijacked the Counseling Profession

By Kathleen Mills LPC-S | May 13, 2024 |
IndoctriNation: How Woke Ideology Hijacked the Counseling Profession

This post is the foreword, written by Kathleen Mills, LPC-S, for Dr. Dawn Iron’s new book, IndoctriNation: How Woke Ideology Hijacked the Counseling Profession. Thought we’d share it with you in hopes you’d find her book worthy of your time. IndoctriNation: How Woke Ideology Hijacked the Counseling Profession “Do you feel that our profession is being hijacked by Academia and the accrediting bodies? That they are indoctrinating the next generation of counselors with a far left, Woke philosophy and our professional organizations are complicit? Or that our Generally Accepted Standards of Care are being trashed and re-written based on an agenda rather than evidence-based data, to the detriment of the public? If so, you’re not alone. If you have been…

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Quadrennial Rules Review Discussion

By Phillip Crum | April 23, 2024 |
Quadrennial Rules Review Discussion

Let’s talk Quadrennial Rules Review. In the State of TX each state agency, including BHEC, is required to review all of its rules and regulations every four years to make sure that they: Do not run afoul of existing state code (law). Are still relevant. Do not conflict with each other. I have it on good authority that most agencies view this as a necessary evil and get through it as quickly as possible. Is it legal, still relevant, and plays well with other regulations? Check, check, and check, and back to business as usual. You’ll notice that there’s no apparent bandwidth in the required process for amending or repealing, “regulations our licensees just don’t like”. There’s also nothing stated in…

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Public Comments to LMFT Board 4-5-24

By Kathleen Mills LPC-S | April 2, 2024 |
Public Comments to LMFT Board 4-5-24

I’m Kathleen Mills LPC-S and co-founder of AMHP, the association for Mental Health Professionals. Public Comments to LMFT Board 4-5-24 After a personal review of BHEC and the various boards’ actions over the past 3.5 years I have come to the following 3 conclusions: #1. That the BHEC Administrative staff have done an outstanding, herculean job of cleaning up the mess DSHS and the four boards left behind. They get an A+. #2. We’re vastly over-regulated at the Federal, State, and Board levels. We need less regulation, not more. The various boards and The Council seem to be doing as much as they possibly can to add more regulation to the various rulebooks, with little regard for following existing Sub-Chapter…

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