To Texas Licensees
Austin is the capital of Texas and it's where the BHEC Agency rides herd over the four mental health licensing boards. Each board typically meets once a quarter as does The Council, which is a checks and balances group made up of two members from each board. Licensees may attend these meetings in-person, virtually, or submit written comments but we've found that attending in person is a lot more beneficial to the cause and is fundamental in developing some useful relationships.
What's The Austin BBQ Club?
The Austin BBQ Club is a growing group of us who ride I-35 south together, to attend the Council, LPC, and LMFT Board meetings to deliver our public comments in person. After each meeting we habitually refresh ourselves in the most leisurely of manners at a renowned Austin BBQ joint of our choosing before pointing our vehicle back north to the DFW area.
What Are My Options?
You may either meet us at the George H.W. Bush building in Austin or ride along with us and have the most fun you're allowed to have in TX without a license. We typically rent a vehicle so there is a small, pro-rata fee of $75 to cover car rental and gas and we'll send you an e-invoice as soon as you submit the form. Please note that all participants are expected to cover the additional cost of their BBQ experience.
Below is a list of the next handful of up-and-coming meetings so if you'd like to ride along with us and speak up during the public comments segment (that part's optional!) or just go because you like BBQ then fill in and submit the appropriate form and we'll send you a participation e-invoice. Or if you live in the S. Texas area you can just meet us there at your own expense. The idea is to get there and be seen and heard.
To Other State Licensees
Our profession is under national attack and to take it back means to "hold the local ground". That means do what you can in your state to speak up and fight back against the authorities that are complicit in the Cultural Marxism ideology that has infiltrated all levels of our profession. Typically that means holding your licensing boards and professional organizations accountable by speaking up. If there's already a movement afoot in your state, participate. If not then call us so we can help you get something going in your area. One state at a time, we can save our profession and move a nation back on track.

BHEC Council Meeting Feb 18, 2025

LMFT Board Meeting April 11th , 2025