The AMHP Blog Post Archive

Phillips Public Comments LMFT Board Meeting 7-19-24

By Phillip Crum | July 22, 2024 |
Phillips Public Comments LMFT Board Meeting 7-19-24

Below are Phillip’s public comments he made before the LMFT Board on 7-19-24. You’ll find the video version of it here and it begins at about the 26:00 mark.  Find Kathleen’s written remarks here. My name is Phillip Crum, and I am here in my dual capacities as Joe Citizen and co-founder of the Association for Mental Health Professionals. I have 4 major points to make today. 1) The System is Broken The system of systems we have in place to produce our licensed mental health professionals is badly broken. The system includes the accrediting institutions, WPATH, our legacy professional organizations, Big Pharma and Big Food. It includes our universities and our licensing boards all working together to implement a…

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Kathleen’s Public Comments LMFT Board Meeting 7-19-24

By Kathleen Mills LPC-S | July 15, 2024 |
Kathleen's Public Comments LMFT Board Meeting 7-19-24

My name is Kathleen Mills, LPC-S and co-founder of the Association for Mental Health Professionals. I think we ALL know and understand that our profession has been hijacked by the social left. Our universities, accrediting institutions and professional organizations are all adopting that ideology and feeding it to you under the guise of “diversity and equality of outcome” which has nothing to do with a scientific approach to determining Generally Accepted Standards of Care. With Clinicians My deep experience in dealing with other clinicians is telling me that: Therapists are becoming very disillusioned with the decline and direction of this profession. Way more than a handful of licensed counselors have told me they’re considering turning in their license and becoming…

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Be Careful What You Ask For-What If?

By Phillip Crum | July 15, 2024 |
Be Careful What You Ask For-What If?

I was watching a new documentary on Netflix a few days ago about a Mexican-American fellow in Los Angeles who was arrested for the murder of an eyewitness to a crime his brother had committed. He didn’t do it and his highly skilled attorney proved it but the evidence was the kind of stuff that only happens in the movies. Be Careful What You Ask For-What If? At the end of the doc his girlfriend was talking about all the “what-ifs” that had they not happened would have seen him receive the death penalty. One of the other characters in the documentary, (a famous guy!) provided a little commentary on the “what if” way of thinking which tied a nice…

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Which Rights Will You Give Up?

By Phillip Crum | July 15, 2024 |
What Rights Will You Give Up?

Several weeks ago we posed a simple question in the shortest blog post we’ve ever done and told you we’d get back to you on that. We asked you if you knew which profession’s members were being asked to give up their personal beliefs in order to continue practicing? Before we give you our answer let’s set the table. Where is This Coming From? Right now academia largely calls the shots in the professions that require two or more degrees. Associated bed-fellows like the accrediting groups, WPATH, the legacy professional organizations and licensing boards are filled with willing participants who dutifully carry out whatever talking points and agenda items academia decides your profession and your personal career path need to…

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The Politics of Counseling

By Phillip Crum | July 8, 2024 |
The Politics of Counseling

The movie, Captain Phillips, is about the politics of counseling. Actually, it’s about the hijacking of a cargo ship by Somali pirates but I’ll make the connection in a minute. In an early scene the crew has just survived an aborted attempt by incompetent pirates to catch and board the ship. The rattled crew is huddled in a breakroom where one of them tells the Captain, “they’ll be back”, to which Phillips reassuringly responds that if that occurs then “we’ll deal with it as we just did” and all will be fine. “Not My Job” Doesn’t Work With Captains or Pirates The crewmember says that he’s a union guy and didn’t sign on “to be the Navy” and is quickly…

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Phillips Public Comments at BHEC Council 6-25-24

By Phillip Crum | July 2, 2024 |
Phillip’s Public Comments at BHEC Council 6-25-24

The Austin BBQ Club headed south in I-35 last week to present their public comments in-person to the BHEC Council. These are Phillip’s comments. “My name is Phillip Crum, and I am here in my dual capacities as Joe Citizen and co-founder of the Association for Mental Health Professionals. On Council Accountability We need more Council members like John Bielamowicz of the Psych Board, who apparently doesn’t mind asking the hard questions and dealing with friction to achieve the desired outcome. That’s the type of cross-board accountability the Council process needs. The Council only works as intended when professional members from one board hold members from the other boards accountable; when the public members question and hold the professional members…

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Kathleen’s Public Comments at BHEC Council 6-25-24

By Kathleen Mills LPC-S | July 2, 2024 |
Kathleen's Public Comments at BHEC Council 6-25-24

Last week the Austin BBQ Club drove to Austin to present our comments to the Council in person. These are Kathleen’s remarks. “My name is Kathleen Mills, LPC-S. I am also a co-founder of the Association For Mental Health Professionals. On Your Licensees’ Self-Regulation In the last 12 months ONLY 110 complaints survived the initial BHEC Staff review and went on to some form of disciplinary action. “How well are licensees policing their own activities?”. The answer is “less than one-sixth of one percent of 70,000 counselors received an official reprimand from the penalty matrix”. That means counselors are doing a pretty DAMN good job of self-policing. On the Quadrennial Review We will be submitting to the Quadrennial Review Committee…

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Do You Know the Answer?

By Phillip Crum | June 24, 2024 |
Do You Know the Answer?

We just finished recording a podcast with professor Chuck Romig which we will be releasing in a few weeks. He brought up so many insights on the state of our industry specifically, that I found myself listening to the finished recording 3-4 times this weekend. It’s almost 90 minutes in length so that’s quite a time commitment. It’s so good that I wanted to pose a single question for you to mull over for the next few weeks until we publish it. Here we go: Do You Know the Answer? “Name ONE job or profession in which the related professional organization(s) are demanding that the practitioners in all 50 states subordinate their moral and religious beliefs, and  their constitutional rights,…

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