Who’s Eavesdropping on Your Sessions?

Who's Eavesdropping on Your Sessions?

Given all the gadgets in our lives today and our clients’ attachment to them, ever wonder who’s eavesdropping on your sessions? Who’s Eavesdropping on Your Sessions? Have you ever had a conversation with someone in your home and about an hour or two later you started seeing ads on your laptop for exactly what you…

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S.B. 2529 and What It Means to You

S.B. 2529

There is a proposed bill before the TX Senate to amend Chapter 111 of the Occupations Code (that’s one of the additional 9 Codes BHEC requires you as a licensee to be familiar with, right?) to include all (4) license types under BHEC’s jurisdiction. Here are our first-blush notes on the proposed SB No. 2527.…

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