The AMHP Blog Post Archive

Did You See This Ad About Hate Comments?

By Phillip Crum | November 8, 2023 |
Did You See This Ad About Hate Comments?

The propaganda machine is never very far behind a crisis, is it! Less than two weeks ago, as of this writing, the Hamas-Israel conflict began and last night during Game 3 of the World Series I had to endure a commercial about how hate comments against Jews have increased a bazillion percent since the conflict began. Let me be clear, I have no issue at all with the Jewish people, people who know Jewish people, people who work for or used to work for Jewish people or people who couldn’t find Jerusalem on a map if I circled it for them and highlighted it yellow. I do have a problem with the propaganda brought into my living room under the…

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How to Deal With Woke

By Phillip Crum | October 30, 2023 |
How to Deal with Woke

The fight in our world today is not about USA vs China or Russia, left vs right, Democrat vs Republican, or black vs white. It’s quite simply a good vs evil, winner take all world event. It is a spiritual battle that has been raging for centuries and manifests in this very real form of social presence they call “Woke”. It’s going to get worse if we don’t do our part to resist and fight back. The good news is you don’t have to be the next Joe Rogan, Elon Musk, or Russel Brand. You get to be you and hold firm to your half-acre that constitutes your home and office where you spend most of your time. You can…

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The Four Horsemen of Holistic Mental Healthcare

By Kathleen Mills LPC-S | October 25, 2023 |
The Four Horsemen of Holistic Mental Healthcare

A client’s introduction to your holistic approach to mental healthcare should begin the very first time they visit your website. We’ll discuss that in-depth in another article. The very first live encounter a client has with your holistic approach to mental healthcare should be in your intake packet. I’m going to suggest that you include (4) questions and that you should ask, requesting detailed answers to each one to be discussed in your first session with the client. The Holistic Counselor’s Treatment Mantra Two things you should know, memorize and think about: 1. “The body, mind, and spirit are all connected.“ This statement is seismic in its implications for the mental health community. If accurate it demands a whole-body approach…

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What’s In A Word: Affirming

By Kathleen Mills LPC-S | October 4, 2023 |
What's In A Word: Affirming

The word “affirming” is being used a lot these days particularly in the phrase, “affirming care”. Before we consider what type of care we are affirming, or unpack the word itself, we need to consider some ethical basics. What is the main role of a counselor? Should it come from a “Do no harm” mindset?, or from something or somewhere else? Is it to help a client think through their issues and come to a resolution based on accepted cultural, professional, and medical norms?, or from somewhere or something else? I think a great many counselors would agree that we should come from a “do no harm” mindset. Once that is established then everything else would seem to be a…

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Inflation and Your Counseling Practice

By Kathleen Mills LPC-S | September 19, 2023 |
Inflation and Your Counseling Practice

I want you to think for a moment about the economy at large and what you’re charging in your practice. We’ve always recommended, and still do, that a practice should be accepting clients from a number of sources (hedging your bets) but we’d like to make that case again in light of the current economic climate. Let’s paint the background first then we’ll jump in to your business options. Framing the Problem The Federal Reserve creates the problem by printing too much worthless money. Then when things (prices) get out of control they raise interest rates to try and reign it in but that tends to slow (or cripple) economic growth. That leaves us with the dual problem of ever-escalating…

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How We Select Conference Speakers

By Phillip Crum | September 14, 2023 |
How We Select Conference Speakers

Got an email this week from a non-member that I want to address. I’m not going to respond directly to that person because frankly I think they’re just looking to pick an ideological fight and that’s simply a waste of time. It is a good opportunity for us to state our values, answer the question the way I believe it should have been asked, and get our position on record, though, so here goes. The emailer asked, “Why don’t you have any black representation at your conference?” I can only assume that he/she is referring to our speaker line-up because we have black attendees and black exhibitors that will be there but I guess that doesn’t count. It’s a fair…

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Dr Sherry Tenpennys Dilemma and Your TX License

By Phillip Crum | August 28, 2023 |
Dr Sherry Tenpennys Dilemma and Your TX License

Earlier this month Dr Sherry Tenpenny, an MD from Ohio and one of the early outspoken critics of the government’s mandated treatment of Covid, especially the jab, had her license suspended indefinitely by the Ohio licensing board for making comments that ran counter to the board’s official narrative on Covid. Yes, I know the “cover” reason was “obstructing an investigation”, we’ll get to that in a moment. This is probably the largest point to be made here today, that the board’s initial issue with Dr Tenpenny was about her spoken, public comments, not patient complaints. This should never have been brought before the licensing board in the first place as first amendment issues do not fall under their jurisdiction. Dr…

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My Position on the Next Round of Lockdowns

By Kathleen Mills LPC-S | August 21, 2023 |
My Position on the Next Round of Lockdowns

Oh, the next round of lockdowns! There’s already a good bit of rumbling out there on the news sources that I monitor regarding the “annual cold and Covid Variant” season (formerly “cold and flu season”) about yet another wave of variants, masks and lockdowns. What I want to share with you is my position on another round of liberty suppressing events and how I plan to arm my practice in advance. That’ll give you a chance to position yours in the manner you see fit. Here’s the Clif Notes version: “At LTC I will see any and all potential clients that are a good match for my skill-set and specializations regardless of skin-color, nationality, sexual preference, pronoun library or gender…

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