The AMHP Blog Post Archive

Why You Should Be Focusing on Self-Pay Clients Right Now

By Phillip Crum | August 16, 2023 |
Self-pay clients

Let me be very clear right up front. I don’t have a crystal ball and if I did I’d be at the horse-track right now, not writing blog posts to you about self-pay clients. What I do have is the ability to read and a bit of common sense so allow me to share my thoughts with you on some economic things I think lie ahead of us as counselors and Americans. And I hope I’m 100% wrong. In history class we were all told the story of how post WWI Germany experienced what’s called hyperinflation. That was due to two primary economic factors: a shortage of goods and services (stores with bare shelves) and an extreme glut of fiat…

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Help Us Promote Our Annual Conference

By Kathleen Mills LPC-S | July 31, 2023 |
Annual Conference

We started this association in December of 2022 for three main reasons, which you can find right here, and the membership response has already surpassed our goal for 2023. So, thank you very much for that! Our first Annual Conference is coming up in October and the challenge is to get word out about the event to the over 80,000 licensed mental health providers in the State of Texas alone. And that doesn’t include the massive number of holistic healthcare support companies that exist as well. It’s a massive, extremely expensive, and almost impossible job to do which is why we need your help. We’re asking you to help us spread the word to your fellow licensees. Annual Conference and…

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Whats In Your InBox?

By Kathleen Mills LPC-S | July 24, 2023 |
What's in Your Inbox?

What’s in your inbox? Probably a lot of the same woke messaged material we’re finding in ours. But it’s never a good idea to send that stuff to Therapy Sister, Kip Rodgers, cause you’re liable to get an unexpected response! That’s exactly what we have for you this week, a back and forth dialogue between Kip and a group that feels the need to apologize for….well, just have a read and then if you’d like to hear the group discussion about this you can find that here. Have fun! #1 Original Email Subject: A Letter From the xxxxxxx XXXXXXX XXXXX Committee Regarding xxxxxxx Symposium 2024. We, as the leadership of xxxxx Xxxxxx-Xxxxxxxx Eating Disorders Professionals/Xxxxx, Xxxxxxxxxx, Xxxxxx xx Xxxxx Committees…

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Showing Up in Google on Page 1

By Phillip Crum | July 10, 2023 |
Showing Up in Google on Page 1

Was asked a very good question about showing up in Google on Page 1 last week and so I thought I’d address that directly in some detail. Let me give you a list of things that are working against you as a small business then I’ll give you a focused solution that’s fairly easy to implement. Not Showing Up in Google? 1. Know This: Your website has in place an seo infrastructure which automagically utilizes specified text placed in strategic places on a page/post to build a meta-structure that the directory spiders can recognize and use to rank your site. That’s already in place. 2 Know This: The only search results that matter are what shows up on Pages 1…

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My Transition to a Holistic Mental Health Approach

By Kathleen Mills LPC-S | July 4, 2023 |
My Transition to a Holistic Mental Health Approach

On, my practice website each of our counselors have their own dedicated web page, and I’ve just updated mine. In fact, I had so much new material to add about what I’m doing in the holistic arena that I’ve added a second page and I want to share that with you all. I’m Transitioning! You’ll find my original page here and it’s linked several times to my new page which you can reach directly by clicking here. The first page remains the same except for the links, it’s the second page to which I’d like to draw your attention. It’s all about my focus on a holistic, or whole-body approach to mental health. The short audio outlines my “why”,…

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Do You Need Mission and Vision Statements?

By Phillip Crum | June 26, 2023 |
Mission and Vision Statements

If you’re old enough to remember, back in the late ’90’s every public corporation had to have Mission and Vision Statements. It was all the rage and most of them were crap. They were either outsourced to some 3rd-party PR firm or developed by an in-house committee and they sounded like it (“a camel is a horse designed by a committee”). Left a bad taste in the minds of a lot of marketing-minded people. So why am I going to recommend that you have them? Your Marketing Advantage Because you are a small business. Your practice is largely about you and with rare exception corporate America can’t make their business all about one personality. You can and you should. Your…

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The War on Reason-Part 7

By Phillip Crum | June 2, 2023 |
The War on Reason-Part 7

Post-modernism began its take-over of the universities in the late ’50s and have had almost 70 years now to commandeer the liberal arts colleges. This is where they recruit and train their ranks of indoctrinated believers and send them out into every conceivable corner of our nation, including our profession. I keep a diagram, which I will share with you, to help me keep things straight because the matrix we live in is such a mess. In examining the diagram it has become clear to us that there are three major fronts upon which to fight this battle in which we find our profession and our nation: 1) a direct confrontation with the current academic model. 2) direct and immediate…

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The War on Reason-Part 6

By Phillip Crum | May 16, 2023 |
The War on Reason Part 6

There are at least 3 major, systemic pathways that are negatively influencing and impacting our profession: Academia via the Post-Modernism/Woke movement, Big Pharma, and Big Finance. In this post, the 6th in a series of 7, we will address the first leg of that trifecta, how the Post-Modern/Woke culture has invaded our profession through Academia. But first, how did we lose Academia? The Last Gasp of a Defeated Foe Post-Modernism gained traction outside of the Ivory Towers in the 1850’s. 100 years and 138 million bodies later the grand experiment, Capitalism vs Socialism, was finished and Capitalism had won a resounding victory. Events in the mid-’50’s, courtesy of the Soviet bloc (Hungary ’56), all but ended any hope of any…

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