My Transition to a Holistic Mental Health Approach

Holistic Mental Health Approach | Association for Mental Health ProfessionalsOn, my practice website each of our counselors have their own dedicated web page, and I've just updated mine. In fact, I had so much new material to add about what I'm doing in the holistic arena that I've added a second page and I want to share that with you all.

I'm Transitioning!

You'll find my original page here and it's linked several times to my new page which you can reach directly by clicking here. The first page remains the same except for the links, it's the second page to which I'd like to draw your attention. It's all about my focus on a holistic, or whole-body approach to mental health.

The short audio outlines my "why", what's prompting my gradual transition from the traditional approach in which we're all trained to a broader, holistic understanding of mental health based on my own experiences. I hope you'll have a quick listen to that.

The remainder of the page is spent answering the 10-15 questions Phillip and I thought a website visitor would most likely have about this type of approach to mental health. We tried to employ a number of different techniques to do that to make things flow and break up text: comparison/contrast, quotes, an FAQ format, for sure questions about payment, ending with a nice call-to-action.

My intent is to transition from a neck-up only approach to mental health to a whole body-mind-spirit based practice as quickly as God and the public will allow it to happen. So in the meantime I'll continue with my traditional approach and let the client decide which avenue he'd like to pursue.....a pharma-based neck-up only mode or an approach that takes her entire body, her mind and her spirit into consideration when dealing with her issues. I am so excited to see where this takes me and my clients.

Tell Me What You Think

I'd love to hear your thoughts about what you think of the page; what you like or any suggestions you may have. And for sure if you've already done a page about your whole-body approach please share a link so the rest of us can take a look at yours. Use the Comments section below.

4th of July Message

May I share a thought with you? I woke up quite early this morning well before the sun came up. As the date came to mind, July the 4th, I thought about what those 56 men almost 250 years ago, each getting ready to make the short trip across town to Liberty Hall in Philadelphia, must have been thinking.

Each of them would have dressed quietly in the pre-dawn candle-light, thinking of events to take place later that day. Each would have surely known that the document he was going to be asked to sign in just hours meant that if he and his small band of fellow "rebels" were not successful in their separation from the strongest economic and military power on earth at the time, that they would be either hanged, drawn and quartered, or worse. Yet they put their shoes on and left the house anyway.

Against all odds, they won. But our country, our form of self-government has been under attack from within since even before the ink was dry on our Constitution. At the conclusion of the Constitutional Convention of 1787 Benjamin Franklin, when asked what type of government had been crafted, a republic or a monarchy said,

"A republic, if you can keep it."

If you can keep it. I've always thought that phrase a bit odd but after the last 6+ years, I get it now. He knew then what we're re-discovering today, that there are powers within our ranks that much prefer tyranny and would be working to take our God-given, hard-won freedom from us.

We must band together as the 56 delegates did, put all of our faith in each other and our Creator, and do what's right even if it costs us everything. Because if we lose this fight, it will.

Wishing you a reflective and happy 4th everyone!

We got this.

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About the Author

Holistic Mental Health Approach | Association for Mental Health ProfessionalsKathleen Mills is a fire-breathing, 32+ year veteran of the counseling world. People react in one of two ways when evil touches their lives: some retreat in fear, and some advance without pause to engage it. Kathleen falls firmly in the latter group. She owns and operates Life Tree Counseling in Frisco, TX, possesses a tireless work-ethic, and eagerly awaits your arrival into her growing army of warriors.

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