The AMHP Blog Post Archive

My Transition to a Holistic Mental Health Approach

By Kathleen Mills LPC-S | July 4, 2023 |
My Transition to a Holistic Mental Health Approach

On, my practice website each of our counselors have their own dedicated web page, and I’ve just updated mine. In fact, I had so much new material to add about what I’m doing in the holistic arena that I’ve added a second page and I want to share that with you all. I’m Transitioning! You’ll find my original page here and it’s linked several times to my new page which you can reach directly by clicking here. The first page remains the same except for the links, it’s the second page to which I’d like to draw your attention. It’s all about my focus on a holistic, or whole-body approach to mental health. The short audio outlines my “why”,…

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Do You Need Mission and Vision Statements?

By Phillip Crum | June 26, 2023 |
Mission and Vision Statements

If you’re old enough to remember, back in the late ’90’s every public corporation had to have Mission and Vision Statements. It was all the rage and most of them were crap. They were either outsourced to some 3rd-party PR firm or developed by an in-house committee and they sounded like it (“a camel is a horse designed by a committee”). Left a bad taste in the minds of a lot of marketing-minded people. So why am I going to recommend that you have them? Your Marketing Advantage Because you are a small business. Your practice is largely about you and with rare exception corporate America can’t make their business all about one personality. You can and you should. Your…

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The War on Reason-Part 7

By Phillip Crum | June 2, 2023 |
The War on Reason-Part 7

Post-modernism began its take-over of the universities in the late ’50s and have had almost 70 years now to commandeer the liberal arts colleges. This is where they recruit and train their ranks of indoctrinated believers and send them out into every conceivable corner of our nation, including our profession. I keep a diagram, which I will share with you, to help me keep things straight because the matrix we live in is such a mess. In examining the diagram it has become clear to us that there are three major fronts upon which to fight this battle in which we find our profession and our nation: 1) a direct confrontation with the current academic model. 2) direct and immediate…

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The War on Reason-Part 6

By Phillip Crum | May 16, 2023 |
The War on Reason Part 6

There are at least 3 major, systemic pathways that are negatively influencing and impacting our profession: Academia via the Post-Modernism/Woke movement, Big Pharma, and Big Finance. In this post, the 6th in a series of 7, we will address the first leg of that trifecta, how the Post-Modern/Woke culture has invaded our profession through Academia. But first, how did we lose Academia? The Last Gasp of a Defeated Foe Post-Modernism gained traction outside of the Ivory Towers in the 1850’s. 100 years and 138 million bodies later the grand experiment, Capitalism vs Socialism, was finished and Capitalism had won a resounding victory. Events in the mid-’50’s, courtesy of the Soviet bloc (Hungary ’56), all but ended any hope of any…

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Social Contagion and the Permanence of Fads

By Kathleen Mills LPC-S | May 9, 2023 |
Social Contagion

I am contending that “social contagion” explains the rapid rise in transgenderism in the last 20 years, paralleling the advent of social media as the primary vehicle for facilitating the active spreading of information. That’s a mouthful but all it means is that social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Tic-Toc are the modern-day infection mechanisms for psychosomatically based group infections. An idea can be more easily spread today across these platforms to the highly suggestible minds of puberty-aged young teens, predominantly female. Social contagion is not a new phenomenon, having been observed and documented back to at least the middle ages. While the simple suggestion of an idea can produce actual physical outcomes the overall event itself is typically…

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The War on Reason-Part 4

By Phillip Crum | May 1, 2023 |
The War on Reason-Part 4

The table that follows lists two schools of thought you need to understand for our next segment: Modernism, which is what built America, and Post-Modernism, or Woke as it’s called now. The main pillars of each camp are listed below. The tenets of Modernism are listed on the left-side of the table, and how Woke-ism has altered each tenet is listed on the right followed by a comparison/contrast explanation of each one. Let’s quickly deal with each of the four tenets and see if you recognize the absurdity of the Post-Modern (Woke) way of viewing the world. Individualism vs Collectivism Individualism is based on reason and reality. It recognizes you apart from anyone else, a “group of one”, free to…

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The War on Reason-Part 3

By Phillip Crum | April 17, 2023 |
The War on Reason-Part 3

This is the second-half of a blog post which details an overview of the Post-Modern/Woke Movement in the 20th century. It’s a detailed backdrop against which the Woke tactics can be viewed in an attempt to explain how we got here and what we need to do to save our profession. Find the first half of this post here. Irrational Rhetoric To Rule Them All We’re not talking about language as you and I know it. The overall strategy goes much deeper than this but a consistently fluid deconstruction and re-write of words and phrases and normalization of associated concepts is a large part of the strategy. When you dismantle Reason, Individualism, Objectivism, and Realism then you are free to…

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The War on Reason-Part 2

By Phillip Crum | April 17, 2023 |
The War on Reason-Part 2

I remind you that Modernism is the predominant philosophy of thought in America. It started in England in the 1500’s, transformed the British economy and was quickly picked up by the French. The Germans toyed with the concept for a while before historical events conspired (French Revolution and Napoleon) to frighten the Germans into a full-blown Counter-Modernist posture. The next 3-4 generations of mostly German academic thinkers worked on perfecting their body of thought by first confirming the destruction of Reason and Individualism, then adding numerous layers of head-shaking conclusions. The next logical step was to migrate it from its academic towers to the battlefields and marketplaces. War as A Societal Advancement Tool Oddly, and this is well documented in…

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