The AMHP Blog Post Archive
The following is Kip Rodgers’ LPC Board Townhall Comments from 8-13-24. “My name is Anne Rodgers Watson, aka Kip. I am an LPC-S and Certified High Performance Coach. I founded a sports psychology firm in Frisco, TX and have been in this field for 23 years. I have worked with Olympians and professional athletes, but my favorite athletes are the high school kids aiming for a college scholarship. Where Are We Headed? Our professional environment has significantly changed over these 23 years, and I believe headed in a horrific and evil direction. Last week I posted a notice about The Association for Mental Health Professionals upcoming conference. In two forums where I posted this flyer, I was vilified. My character and…
Read MoreFirst let me make our position on Cultural Diversity very clear, then I’ll move on to our stance on requiring Cultural Diversity CE hours. Cultural Diversity and Required Training First let me make our position on Cultural Diversity and required training very clear, then I’ll move on to our stance on requiring Cultural Diversity CE hours. Cultural Diversity and Required Training At AMHP we totally support the traditional professional approach to understanding and taking into account a client’s specific racial and cultural considerations. We need to be sensitive to the specific issues of the individual on all points. This does not mean, however, that we should be required to affirm a mental illness as normal nor do we consider delusional…
Read More“My name is Phillip Crum and I am here in my dual capacities as Joe Citizen and co-founder of the Association for Mental Health Professionals. I want to make a single point that’s been bothering me since the MFT Townhall and get it on record. Townhall Comments Psych Board 8-6-24 At that townhall a legitimate request was made to examine one of the licensing fees as being potentially exorbitant. That’s fair enough, and just to make sure there are no misunderstandings about my upcoming thoughts here is the exact text that was submitted: “African Americans are disproportionately over-represented in the criminal justice system, as a result of institutional racism. Because of this disproportionality, the $150 cost disproportionately burdens African…
Read More“My name is Phillip Crum and I am here in my dual capacities as Joe Citizen and co-founder of the Association for Mental Health Professionals. At one of the recent townhalls a legitimate request was made to examine one of the licensing fees as being potentially exorbitant. That’s fair enough, and just to make sure there are no misunderstandings about my upcoming thoughts here is the exact text that was submitted: “African Americans are disproportionately over-represented in the criminal justice system, as a result of institutional racism. Because of this disproportionality, the $150 cost disproportionately burdens African Americans, particularly students graduating from Social Work programs at HBCUs.“ What I object to is the unsubstantiated and socially driven reasons that were…
Read MoreBelow are Phillip’s public comments he made before the LMFT Board on 7-19-24. You’ll find the video version of it here and it begins at about the 26:00 mark. Find Kathleen’s written remarks here. My name is Phillip Crum, and I am here in my dual capacities as Joe Citizen and co-founder of the Association for Mental Health Professionals. I have 4 major points to make today. 1) The System is Broken The system of systems we have in place to produce our licensed mental health professionals is badly broken. The system includes the accrediting institutions, WPATH, our legacy professional organizations, Big Pharma and Big Food. It includes our universities and our licensing boards all working together to implement a…
Read MoreMy name is Kathleen Mills, LPC-S and co-founder of the Association for Mental Health Professionals. I think we ALL know and understand that our profession has been hijacked by the social left. Our universities, accrediting institutions and professional organizations are all adopting that ideology and feeding it to you under the guise of “diversity and equality of outcome” which has nothing to do with a scientific approach to determining Generally Accepted Standards of Care. With Clinicians My deep experience in dealing with other clinicians is telling me that: Therapists are becoming very disillusioned with the decline and direction of this profession. Way more than a handful of licensed counselors have told me they’re considering turning in their license and becoming…
Read MoreI was watching a new documentary on Netflix a few days ago about a Mexican-American fellow in Los Angeles who was arrested for the murder of an eyewitness to a crime his brother had committed. He didn’t do it and his highly skilled attorney proved it but the evidence was the kind of stuff that only happens in the movies. Be Careful What You Ask For-What If? At the end of the doc his girlfriend was talking about all the “what-ifs” that had they not happened would have seen him receive the death penalty. One of the other characters in the documentary, (a famous guy!) provided a little commentary on the “what if” way of thinking which tied a nice…
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