The AMHP Blog Post Archive
I decided to pen something on replacing humans with AI because it’s obviously a very hot topic and I think we need to slow down a lot before we act. I am not anti-technology and my jury is still out on the topic of the applications of AI in the mental health field. I do not have all the answers yet and in this article I am simply posing questions that have yet to be answered to my satisfaction. With that in mind I think it prudent to take a slow, wait-and-see approach to this growing area of interest. On Replacing Humans With AI New technology can be a wonderful thing and sometimes its immediate application is a no-brainer. Replacing…
Read MoreThe New Therapist Supply Chain is a diagram of the birth-to-practice pipeline that supplies our profession with new counselors. It is “the system” through which our new therapists are generated, and it is broken. We use the diagram as a visual aid to analyze the various steps and pitfalls in counselor development. It’s a subs-set of a larger, master diagram but that’s material for another post. Why Bother? Because I can remember things better when they are in diagrammatic form! Each segment of the flow can be analyzed and potential problems can be identified. From there we can compile a list of issues that need attention, prioritize them then determine what must be done at each point in order…
Read MoreWe believe that there are only two sexes, male and female; that the transgender affirming care issue is a mental health issue with underlying causes that need to be explored, identified, and treated. We believe that grown adults are entitled to determine their own course of action on this topic but we in no way support the GAC protocol from WPATH or any other self-appointed entity, including the writing of letters to greenlight the process in minors. We do not accept or believe the argument that “inclusion” means we have to accept historically recognized mental illness as a normal manifestation of personal choice. A condition’s classification should be built upon peer-reviewed, scientific observation and data, not ideology and feelings. Additional…
Read MoreDealing with political confrontations during the holidays is a perennial issue for a lot of folks. Cousin Eddie inevitably shouts, “Well, how about that election?” I cannot think of a bigger elephant in the room during your next family Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner than recent political events. If it was a local election regarding a couple of bond measures, no problem. But this last presidential election was labeled “the biggest, most influential election in our lifetime”. Each polarized political party drew their line in the sand over a year ago in anticipation of the outcome of this last election. It was a definitive “win/lose” proposition; “The thrill of victory, or the agony of defeat”. Both sides wanted badly to win,…
Read MoreA lot of talk about a workforce shortage and ways to increase the number of licensed therapists. But is there really not enough therapists to go around? Let’s see what the numbers say. The Working Variables 32,000,000-Texas citizens 45,000-Licensed LPC and LMFT’s in Texas 20%-Annual active client rate 4-Average number of appts per active client, per year 50-Number of weeks a counselor will work this year. 20-Number of appts per week for a F/T counselor. Running the Equation 32 million citizens divided by 45 thousand active, licensed therapists yields a citizen to therapist ratio of 711:1. (Counting Psychologists and Social Workers only skews the formula outcome even more in favor of no shortage of licensees!) That means there is one…
Read MoreWe anticipate the mental health crisis in America, and access to mental health providers, will worsen in the foreseeable future (3-5 years) until key systemic and economic issues have been righted. But understanding the workforce shortage and what that really means is key to developing a practical solution rather than one that simply appeases an uninformed public. Understanding the Workforce Shortage We maintain that the “workforce shortage” is not about the number of clinicians or their geographic placement, but is almost entirely about access through corporate chokepoints which are the primary determinant for access and counselor pay structure. We will deal with this vertical chokepoint issue in another post. The phrase “workforce shortage” first needs to be defined. The common…
Read MoreA common-sense analysis of available population and licensee numbers leads us to conclude that there is no mental healthcare workforce shortage in TX (LPC and LMFT’s). The current perceived “shortage” stems from two major thought platforms. First, the odd manner in which the citizen:counselor ratios are calculated by the state guarantees a weak platform of logic from which to proceed. This system needs a close examination and possible overhaul. Second, the real “shortage” is not about the overall number of practicing clinicians, but appears to be almost entirely about access to current, and development of future providers in a number of different micro-economic applications. These scenarios include but are not limited to: An uninsured client’s ability to self-pay. A thriving…
Read MoreFree speech, including “religious freedom”, is guaranteed protection from Federal government interference by the first amendment. Religious Freedom includes religious beliefs and associated speech in the practice of one’s religion and spiritual beliefs. Our individual beliefs are protected from harm by other citizens through a concept called, “Conscience Protections”. The Founding Fathers believed that ones’ beliefs have property rights and are subject to the same protections as tangible property. An assault resulting in provable damages by one citizen against another’s religious beliefs is called a “moral injury” and may be pursued through our court system under protections provided by the RFRA laws at both the Federal and some State levels. We believe that each individual has the right to self-determination…
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