Who’s Eavesdropping on Your Sessions?

Who's Eavesdropping on Your Sessions? | Association for Mental Health Professionals

Given all the gadgets in our lives today and our clients' attachment to them, ever wonder who's eavesdropping on your sessions?

Who's Eavesdropping on Your Sessions?

Have you ever had a conversation with someone in your home and about an hour or two later you started seeing ads on your laptop for exactly what you were talking about? I have. It's creepy and more common than you think.

It's because your smart phones, your smart TV's, your Google Alexa and other devices are all "listening" to your conversations. What you talk about informs the marketing file these people keep on you and in turn tells their various partner ad-platforms what you might be interested in. Yes, Virginia, that's really a thing.

But here's the eye-opening thought that any counselor should be concerned about. What if Google (et al) are listening to the conversation between you and your client? How would the listening bot know that it's a confidential conversation and why should it even care? It won't know and it wouldn't care.

Or here's another variation. You're doing a virtual session with some client who's thinking about divorcing her husband. Unbeknownst to you and your client he's right outside the door recording the conversation on his phone and before the session is done he's blowing up his social media with selected audio bits along with his own commentary.

Don't Get on the Wrong Side of HIPAA

Do you see any potential HIPAA compliance problems here? I sure do. Which is why I've instituted a new policy in my practice. Clients are instructed to turn OFF their cell phones and any other electronic devices they may be bringing into the session with them. I don't need the potential data and confidentiality breach problems. Plus, for whatever reason is driving this, I've had more than a few clients bringing multiple cell phones into their sessions. One is bad enough but two is almost a guaranteed distraction.

And, no, simply putting it in their pocket is not adequate. I want them to turn it OFF and I've placed a sign on my lobby door to that effect. And you thought all you'd need for this counselor gig was a 10x10 room and a cheap insurance policy.


What are you doing in your office to keep the internet from eavesdropping on your client sessions?

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About the Author

Who's Eavesdropping on Your Sessions? | Association for Mental Health ProfessionalsKathleen Mills is a fire-breathing, 33+ year veteran of the counseling world. People react in one of two ways when evil touches their lives: some retreat in fear, and some advance without pause to engage it. Kathleen falls firmly in the latter group. She owns and operates Life Tree Counseling in Frisco, TX, possesses a tireless work-ethic, and eagerly awaits your arrival into her growing army of warriors.

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