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Our Preferred Partnership with Impulse Payments by Deluxe

We've partnered with Impulse Payments by Deluxe not only for our credit card processing here at AMHP, but we've created a partnership program for our members as well.

Here's 3 solid reasons why you should consider moving your processing services to Impulse Payments by Deluxe:

    1. Outstanding Customer Service
    2. Extremely Competitive Rates and Reporting
    3. Sign-Up Incentive up to $100

Tired of waiting on hold for 10-20-30 minutes or more with your current processor? Or being endlessly transferred from one person to another? Then you'll be very happy with your customer service experience with Impulse Payments by Deluxe. The Impulse customer service team is 100% US based---our Customer Service, Deployment, and IT departments are all located in DFW.

"We care for ours customers like you care for your clients."

If you're tired of being gouged by high processing rates you'll be very happy to see Impulse Payments by Deluxe's highly competitive rates.

When you switch to the Impulse Payments by Deluxe processing service you'll receive a cash-back incentive of between $50-$100 dollars that you can utilize towards your annual AMHP Membership renewal.

Here's What You Do Next

Fill in the form below and someone from Impulse Payments by Deluxe will return your call (within the hour/before the end of day/after Brian returns from his lengthy vaca/??). It's that simple!

Contact Me, Please!