The AMHP Blog Post Archive
I am contending that “social contagion” explains the rapid rise in transgenderism in the last 20 years, paralleling the advent of social media as the primary vehicle for facilitating the active spreading of information. That’s a mouthful but all it means is that social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Tic-Toc are the modern-day infection mechanisms for psychosomatically based group infections. An idea can be more easily spread today across these platforms to the highly suggestible minds of puberty-aged young teens, predominantly female. Social contagion is not a new phenomenon, having been observed and documented back to at least the middle ages. While the simple suggestion of an idea can produce actual physical outcomes the overall event itself is typically…
Read MoreThe table that follows lists two schools of thought you need to understand for our next segment: Modernism, which is what built America, and Post-Modernism, or Woke as it’s called now. The main pillars of each camp are listed below. The tenets of Modernism are listed on the left-side of the table, and how Woke-ism has altered each tenet is listed on the right followed by a comparison/contrast explanation of each one. Let’s quickly deal with each of the four tenets and see if you recognize the absurdity of the Post-Modern (Woke) way of viewing the world. Individualism vs Collectivism Individualism is based on reason and reality. It recognizes you apart from anyone else, a “group of one”, free to…
Read MoreThis is the second-half of a blog post which details an overview of the Post-Modern/Woke Movement in the 20th century. It’s a detailed backdrop against which the Woke tactics can be viewed in an attempt to explain how we got here and what we need to do to save our profession. Find the first half of this post here. Irrational Rhetoric To Rule Them All We’re not talking about language as you and I know it. The overall strategy goes much deeper than this but a consistently fluid deconstruction and re-write of words and phrases and normalization of associated concepts is a large part of the strategy. When you dismantle Reason, Individualism, Objectivism, and Realism then you are free to…
Read MoreI remind you that Modernism is the predominant philosophy of thought in America. It started in England in the 1500’s, transformed the British economy and was quickly picked up by the French. The Germans toyed with the concept for a while before historical events conspired (French Revolution and Napoleon) to frighten the Germans into a full-blown Counter-Modernist posture. The next 3-4 generations of mostly German academic thinkers worked on perfecting their body of thought by first confirming the destruction of Reason and Individualism, then adding numerous layers of head-shaking conclusions. The next logical step was to migrate it from its academic towers to the battlefields and marketplaces. War as A Societal Advancement Tool Oddly, and this is well documented in…
Read MoreIn a recent email I used the term, “war on Woke stupidity”. One reader asked me what I meant by that and while I thought that was fairly obvious from prior posts on the topic I responded to his fair and straight-forward question. My reply appears below with some additional material added having had more time to ponder my original response. Grateful for the opportunity to provide a little background history. My Response Begins…. “I don’t think we’ve met yet so I apologize if you’re already familiar with what I’m about to share, but since you asked, the phrase in question requires some context. Bear with me for a few minutes and I’ll circle back and address your question directly…
Read MoreOur annual conference is shaping up nicely. In fact, Day 2 has been totally populated with the speakers we targeted, and Day 1 is a whisper away from being complete. As of this writing we have them all lined up, just awaiting confirmation on 3 of them and how many draft picks it’s gonna cost us, but this year’s All-Star Team is in place. Boom! I’m not going to run through the lineup here because you can hear that in our weekly 5-10 minute audio update, so go have a quick listen. How Will This Conference Be Different? In keeping with our association’s stated purpose and objectives: 1. Our PRIMARY objective at this conference is to give you, the front-line…
Read MoreAny era of philosophical thought is played out in at least two stages: the academic arena where ideas are hammered out and refined, and the societal level where they are tested and police cars and careers burn. Part 2 requires that all of the lofty ideas, ivory-tower terms, and academic run-on sentences be distilled into a small handful of easily digestible, cause-oriented soundbites. That way the average disgruntled college student (or unemployed activist) can wrap his head around it and get behind a cause that gives his life some purpose. We’re 70 years deep into Part 2 of a philosophical social experiment called Post-Modernism. “Woke” is the pedestrian, popular name for it. That’s history for another discussion, but that’s where…
Read MoreThere is a proposed bill before the TX Senate to amend Chapter 111 of the Occupations Code (that’s one of the additional 9 Codes BHEC requires you as a licensee to be familiar with, right?) to include all (4) license types under BHEC’s jurisdiction. Here are our first-blush notes on the proposed SB No. 2527. Our comments are mostly limited to the portions that appear to apply to the 4 license types being proposed for inclusion. Section 6-Proposed Inclusion of BHEC Licensees 1. This bill would make LPC/LMFT/Psych/and SW licensees subject to this code (they are currently exempt). We assume that the 4 license types under BHEC authority will fall under the definition of “health professional” in Section 1455.001 since…
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