How We Select Conference Speakers

How We Select Conference Speakers

Got an email this week from a non-member that I want to address. I’m not going to respond directly to that person because frankly I think they’re just looking to pick an ideological fight and that’s simply a waste of time. It is a good opportunity for us to state our values, answer the question…

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Dr Sherry Tenpennys Dilemma and Your TX License

Dr Sherry Tenpennys Dilemma and Your TX License

Earlier this month Dr Sherry Tenpenny, an MD from Ohio and one of the early outspoken critics of the government’s mandated treatment of Covid, especially the jab, had her license suspended indefinitely by the Ohio licensing board for making comments that ran counter to the board’s official narrative on Covid. Yes, I know the “cover”…

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Showing Up in Google on Page 1

Showing Up in Google on Page 1

Was asked a very good question about showing up in Google on Page 1 last week and so I thought I’d address that directly in some detail. Let me give you a list of things that are working against you as a small business then I’ll give you a focused solution that’s fairly easy to…

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Do You Need Mission and Vision Statements?

Mission and Vision Statements

If you’re old enough to remember, back in the late ’90’s every public corporation had to have Mission and Vision Statements. It was all the rage and most of them were crap. They were either outsourced to some 3rd-party PR firm or developed by an in-house committee and they sounded like it (“a camel is…

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