Where’s My Daddy?

Where's My Daddy? | Association for Mental Health Professionals

Was catching up on reading some reader comments this weekend on one of the online platforms I frequent. One short video of two lost teenage girls who were expressing their political views produced some viewer comments that got my attention, and my input. The first one had to do with the need for mental health care in America and the second was a comment on the state of today's youth and America's future. I thought I'd share them with you for what it's worth.

Comment #1

“The mental illness in this country is overflowing the river banks and flooding the streets.”

My Reply: Wait until America finds out that 20-30% of the currently licensed mental health counselors are on board with this stuff*. They were heavily indoctrinated (chose my words carefully) in Cultural Marxism in under-grad and grad school, and carry that twisted philosophy and their lack of critical thinking skills and common sense into their new profession.

Before you say, "naw, that couldn't happen", know that there is NO filtering mechanism at the state licensing level to verify professional competency in relation to beliefs like this. One could make a 1st Amendment argument that their shouldn't be either. If there was it would have to apply to what the other side of the argument doesn't like about your beliefs as well. Like you being a Christian or (fill in the blank).

The national test(s) that counselors take post-grad school are all about treatment modalities and client relationships, but nothing that addresses "batsh**-crazy" thoughts and beliefs. That we've gotten this far means it's too late. That kind of thinking has to be dealt with at its' source.

Tell your friends to scour counselors' websites before using their services, especially if you're sending your kids to these people. Picking a counselor today is like a box of Forrest Gump chocolates. You never....well, you know the rest.

Just be careful.

Comment #2

“There they are... the future of America. Pretty f'in bleak...”

My Reply: Yep! Fortunately, they're not all like that and crazy has a way of turning on itself. I hope they grow out of it but the rescued will be few.

They're mostly just lost babies, kids that were missing a father or mistreated by a parent or worse. They're CRYING out for help they'll probably never get and most don't even know it. They hide their mental issues, their pain expression behind political "rights"; free speech and expression.

There's a small sliver of hope that they have time to come to their senses but the ones we really need to be worried about are the older, more set in their ways, UNHINGED militant ones that have no governor when it comes to threatening you with real, physical harm. Those are the real wack-a-doodles. We must do what we can to save the young ones and arm yourself appropriately in case the permanently damaged target you. (No, not kidding.)

(end comments)

Fix the Family-Make Dad's Great Again!

Solving the current national values problem begins with the broken family structure. We have to fix that first or everything else will simply be treating chronic symptoms with cheap plastic band-aids.

Return to God and Spirituality

We put God and biblical values back in our lives at every level. If we untether ourselves from a Universal foundation of right, wrong, and common sense then each man, woman and child is free to make up his own set of rules. How's that working out for us so far?

Teach the Children Well

We need a return to teaching people how to think, not what to think, and the presentation of all sides of an argument. That will go a long way towards fixing the problem addressed in the next paragraph.

Counselor Workforce Shortage, or Competency Shortage?

Academia is turning out indoctrinated, WOKE counselors. Until that stops our workforce situation will only worsen for three reasons. Older counselors will retire. Competent counselors are deciding the over-regulation and blatant attacks from far-left colleagues simply aren't worth the fight and are leaving the profession. And current students with traditional values and beliefs are changing their career choice once they have had enough public shaming and name-calling from their WOKE professor's and Kool-Aid drinking classmates. This is not a future prediction, this is already happening.

What we currently have is a shortage of licensed counselors who do not subscribe to the "affirm whatever walks through the front door" philosophy. The vast majority of the general public does not wish to see a far-left liberal WOKE mental health counselor and that exacerbates the shortage of competent** counselors.


Time to get back to the basics. What part will you play in the recovery?

*There are no scientific studies done on this, I'm just giving you my considered opinion about how bad I think the issue really is based on what Kathleen and I have seen in the past 10 years.

**If you take exception to my usage of the word "competent" you have only to join one of the many Facebook Groups of "professional counselors" and read their comments. Feeling brave? Post a comment that says, "why not wait until after puberty to begin the transition process?" and then back away from your computer!

Got Something to Say?

These posts are based on the beliefs and personal experience of the post's author. Please feel free to leave your civil, constructive comments below. We try very hard to back up our statements with fact-based data and we ask you to do the same in your comments. You do not need to be logged in to leave a comment.

About the Author

Where's My Daddy? | Association for Mental Health ProfessionalsPhillip's background has blessed him with a variety of interests, skills, and tools to get things done. He spent 25 years in the printing and marketing industry before meeting Kathleen Mills in 2015. They quickly figured out that they made a pretty good business team and, owing to Kathleen's story, embarked upon a mission that would see the creation of PracticeMentors.us and eventually the Association for Mental Health Professionals.

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