Be Careful What You Ask For-What If?
I was watching a new documentary on Netflix a few days ago about a Mexican-American fellow in Los Angeles who was arrested for the murder of an eyewitness to a crime his brother had committed. He didn't do it and his highly skilled attorney proved it but the evidence was the kind of stuff that only happens in the movies.
Be Careful What You Ask For-What If?
At the end of the doc his girlfriend was talking about all the "what-ifs" that had they not happened would have seen him receive the death penalty. One of the other characters in the documentary, (a famous guy!) provided a little commentary on the "what if" way of thinking which tied a nice bow around things. He said that life is full of "what ifs" and if we live our days fretting over them and what might happen past, present, or future (and it's almost always negative, isn't it?) then we'll live our lives in a state of fear, etc. It was very well done.
Do I Really Wanna Know?
That got me to thinking, though, about all the near-death experiences each of us has everyday, potentially life-altering if not fatal events that we narrowly escape that we never even knew happened. Some driver was going to beat the yellow light and t-bone you at high-speed had he not changed his mind at the last micro-second and slammed on the brakes. Hundreds of little things like that that you never know about that would end your life on this earth. They happen to each of us every day because there are other imperfect humans involved in our life. But every once in awhile we are made consciously aware of one of those events, like yesterday, and the what-iffing begins.
Yesterday happened and we almost lost The Lion and the what-if'ing started almost immediately. What if the shooter had been a better shot? What if Trump hadn't turned his head just an inch or two?
What if What if What if?
Everyday is a big deal for each of us and potentially our last day because of our own actions and the actions of others. Yesterday we got to witness both a "near-miss" and saw that driver t-bone a couple other people who weren't quite so lucky. I hope it made us all appreciate our own lives for just a quick minute. What if...
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About the Author
Phillip's background has blessed him with a variety of interests, skills, and tools to get things done. He spent 25 years in the printing and marketing industry before meeting Kathleen Mills in 2015. They quickly figured out that they made a pretty good business team and, owing to Kathleen's story, embarked upon a mission that would see the creation of and eventually the Association for Mental Health Professionals.