Episode 66-Hope in Our Universities (1 CEU)

Kathleen Mills LPC-S

Kathleen Mills, LPC-S, CEAP, CIMHP, Co-Founder of AMHP

We spend a lot of time at AMHP talking about academia and how it is failing our profession but once in awhile we are reminded that not all students buy into the Woke mantra and submit to the indoctrination process. We recently met one of them, a young lady named Courtney who eagerly agreed to talk with us about what she's actually experiencing on-campus. On one hand it verified (again) what we've been saying about the state of a university education, but the real take-away here is that hope lives on at our universities and is not yet ready to give up. Nor are we. We think you'll enjoy this conversation and you might want to pass it along to any counseling students you know of who may need the encouragement, too.

Module 1 Episode 66-Hope in Our Universities (1 CEU)
Lesson 1 Episode 66-Hope in Our Universities (1 CEU)  
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