Social Contagion and the Permanence of Fads

Social Contagion | Association for Mental Health Professionals

I am contending that "social contagion" explains the rapid rise in transgenderism in the last 20 years, paralleling the advent of social media as the primary vehicle for facilitating the active spreading of information.

That's a mouthful but all it means is that social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Tic-Toc are the modern-day infection mechanisms for psychosomatically based group infections. An idea can be more easily spread today across these platforms to the highly suggestible minds of puberty-aged young teens, predominantly female.

Social contagion is not a new phenomenon, having been observed and documented back to at least the middle ages. While the simple suggestion of an idea can produce actual physical outcomes the overall event itself is typically reduced to "fad" status once the novelty of the idea holds no further charm with the target audience.

My point here today is not to prove or disprove social contagion nor argue for or against a transgender identity, but to bring up some very specific and pointed questions as they relate to the current manifestation.

Pre-Surgery Questions

1. Where are the parents? Where's the parental control of social media consumption?

2. Where are the psychologists and psychiatrists who should be able to recognize this round of social contagion for what it is; a mass hysteria fad? I can show you articles on social contagion and transgenderism going back to 2014 and farther, yet we continue to sacrifice our children almost 10 years on?

3. Why is the medical community, PCP and surgeons, so ready and willing to schedule the surgery? How likely is it there's a money-motive in play here?

4. What happened to "do no harm" in our medical oaths? (What's the hurry?)

5. These kids and their parents are being lied to about the dangers of the puberty blockers and hormones they're being given and the potential for suicide if no action is taken. Where's the professional accountability for that?

6. Who benefits the most from this round of mass hysteria and who's paying for it?

Post-Surgery Questions

1. Are there opportunistic factions that are taking advantage of the massive number of teens (and younger) being caught up in this contagion? Who are they and what are their motive(s)?

2. What are the real numbers for those that have begun a transition process? What % are remorseful? Happy? Suicidal? Other??

Post-Fad/De-Transitioning Questions

1. When the fad has passed and the overwhelming majority of these kids realize they're a social victim, how do we explain to them as counselors, as a nation,...

  • how their parents could have let this happen to them?
  • that putting their bodies back together again is not possible?
  • that they (may/will) never be able to bear their own children?
  • that the excruciating pain in their reproductive anatomy whether it's their original or surgically created equipment, may be a permanent thing?
  • how their doctors so easily gave in to corporate greed motives?
  • why no one else did anything to stop it?

2. How do we counsel the parents of these kids? How do we help them come to a place where they can live with what they've allowed their children to do; with what they've done to their children?

3. As a society, how do we hold the medical community, counselors and counselor associations and the various trainings, who support gender affirming care and are promoting the predatory mindset responsible for this holocaust, and to what degree? Is a hefty fine enough? Loss of license? Prison time? How much is enough for the loss of your future grand-children?

Looking Ahead

This ugly chapter in our history will end (it is a fad, an ugly, evil one but it will pass) and within 5 years an entire industry will exist that today does not----the de-transition clinics.

They will offer hope and promise but will be largely mental health clinics staffed by counselors and psychologists, maybe even the same ones who were so sympathetic to sacrificing our children for the sake of their misguided social progress agendas. Let's hope not.

There will likely be a wing of the facility staffed by the same surgeons that formerly removed repro-organs who have re-branded their practices to replace the young breasts, wombs, and penises they removed 10 years prior.

Probably be a large collection of psychiatrists in the mix as well since by then Big-Pharma will have concocted a handful of new pills designed to ease the specific pain of having one's uterus removed or dried up beyond repair by the hormones they were fed. There won't be much of a restorative nature to these clinics, just psychological damage control and pain management for young lives irreparably dashed on the rocks of post-modern social progress.

This social contagion madness is being actively promoted by counselors and counselor CE trainings, purposefully validating it as a legitimate sub-culture. Have we as counselors lost our ability to recognize a despicable harm being done to our children? Social pressure from less than 5% of our total population is driving the madness yet we cave to the loudest voices? We can do better than that if we stand together.

May God remember the children and forgive us for what have we done to them.

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About the Author

Social Contagion | Association for Mental Health ProfessionalsKathleen Mills is a fire-breathing, 32+ year veteran of the counseling world. People react in one of two ways when evil touches their lives: some retreat in fear, and some advance without pause to engage it. Kathleen falls firmly in the latter group. She owns and operates Life Tree Counseling in Frisco, TX, possesses a tireless work-ethic, and eagerly awaits your arrival into her growing army of warriors.

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