My Position on the Next Round of Lockdowns

My Position on the Next Round of Lockdowns

Oh, the next round of lockdowns! There’s already a good bit of rumbling out there on the news sources that I monitor regarding the “annual cold and Covid Variant” season (formerly “cold and flu season”) about yet another wave of variants, masks and lockdowns. What I want to share with you is my position on…

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Help Us Promote Our Annual Conference

Annual Conference

We started this association in December of 2022 for three main reasons, which you can find right here, and the membership response has already surpassed our goal for 2023. So, thank you very much for that! Our first Annual Conference is coming up in October and the challenge is to get word out about the…

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Whats In Your InBox?

What's in Your Inbox?

What’s in your inbox? Probably a lot of the same woke messaged material we’re finding in ours. But it’s never a good idea to send that stuff to Therapy Sister, Kip Rodgers, cause you’re liable to get an unexpected response! That’s exactly what we have for you this week, a back and forth dialogue between…

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My Transition to a Holistic Mental Health Approach

My Transition to a Holistic Mental Health Approach

On, my practice website each of our counselors have their own dedicated web page, and I’ve just updated mine. In fact, I had so much new material to add about what I’m doing in the holistic arena that I’ve added a second page and I want to share that with you all. I’m Transitioning!…

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Social Contagion and the Permanence of Fads

Social Contagion

I am contending that “social contagion” explains the rapid rise in transgenderism in the last 20 years, paralleling the advent of social media as the primary vehicle for facilitating the active spreading of information. That’s a mouthful but all it means is that social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Tic-Toc are the modern-day infection…

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