The Annual Conference
Our annual conference will be held October 19-20 of 2023 in Richardson, TX. It'll be a fun-filled, information-packed 2-day event filled with food and lots of good people. Our conference will follow an overall narrative and open up a whole new world of thought about practicing in a post-Covid world. Don't miss it!
On Day 1 you'll be able to get most, if not all, of your required renewal ce's at this event. It's going to be great!
Day 2 is all about a "whole body approach to mental health", specifically in a post-covid environment.
We'll be doing periodic audio updates (see below) as speakers and exhibitors are secured so mark the dates in your calendar right now, plan to join us and be part of this inaugural conference experience. We think you're going to love it and we look forward to seeing you there.
Conference Update!
September 26, 2023
Featured Speaker Clips

Join Us This Year in Richardson, TX!

View more images of the hotel property here. Conference attendees will be sent an information email immediately upon the purchase of a conference ticket, containing information about hotel access for booking rooms at the negotiated rate of $116, Cultural Awareness Course access and other conference details.

Our 2023 Conference Agenda
Purchase Conference Tickets
You Coming?

Day 1 Lineup
Registration & Hot Breakfast
The registration table will be open from 7AM-8:30AM so stop by, get signed in and grab your SWAG Bag. Should you have any registration needs after that simply find a "Yellow Shirt" and they'll gladly help you. Then head on over to the breakfast buffet, fill your plate and get settled in the main conference room. Enjoy your hot breakfast. We'll start at 8:30 sharp so don't be late!

Day 1-Opening Statements
The Therapy Sisters
The Therapy Sisters will kick off Day 1 with Kathleen delivering opening remarks including our "Conference Narrative". Then she and Kip will do a quick review of what you may expect from each speaker on Day, 1 then we get started! If you haven't yet met Kathleen or Kip please introduce yourself before the conference is over.

Darrel Spinks
BHEC Executive Director
Building on Progress: A Report on the Texas Behavioral Health Executive Council Following the 88th Legislature
Gain valuable insights into recent and upcoming changes to your profession as Mr. Spinks shares recent regulatory changes made by the Texas Behavioral Health Executive Council. Mr. Spinks will also share details on legislative changes from the 88th Legislature, as well as a brief overview of the most interesting bills that almost made the cut, but didn't quite make it. Exact presentation material subject to change per world events!

Cristina DeLuna
Board Administrator-LPC Board
What Really Goes on at BHEC?
You’ve heard from Darrel, now it’s Cristina’s turn at the mic! Time to talk about day-to-day issues of licensing, staff involvement, and how you can make your interactions with BHEC more pleasant. Exact presentation material subject to change per world events.

Jeremy Dys, Esq.
Attorney-First Liberty
You Have Rights. Here's What They Are.
Jeremy Dys is an attorney for First Liberty, a non-profit specializing in the defense of our protected freedoms and liberties. Jeremy will be speaking about our 1st Amendment rights as counselors and citizens and arming us with the tools needed to confidently and safely exercise those rights. Exact presentation material subject to change per world events!
Breakout Sessions
Chuck SpringerCybersecurityChuck Springer-Cybersecurity
Counseling practices are easy prey for online scams and Chuck, a 20 year veteran of the cybersecurity industry, will show and tell you how to keep from becoming the scammer's next victim.
Adam BeckerEmpathic EHRAdam Becker-Empathic EHR
Adam is the go-to guy at Empathic Software. Adam will identify what to look for in an EHR platform, covid driven innovations, and why Empathic is a better platform than what you're currently using!
John SutterCoverica InsuranceJohn Sutter-Coverica Insurance
John will be offering a presentation entitled, "The Top 10 Liability Policies You Need to Know About". Extremely informative, entertaining, and the only course on this stuff you'll ever need!
Click each image above for more information. We'll run this line-up two times, back-to-back, so you'll have the opportunity to take two of the three break-out sessions listed above.

John Mongogna, Esq.
Attorney-Albin Law Group
Covid-Driven Family Law Issues
John will be presenting Family Law material on a number of issues including information about vaccine laws on the books in Texas, how they impact your client sessions and how to properly handle those scenarios to protect yourself. Exact presentation material subject to change per world events!

Kandice Swarthout LPC
In Plain Sight: Confronting the Human Trafficking Crisis in the Healthcare Setting
Kandice is a go-getter entrepreneur and she'll be presenting your required, HHS Approved course on Human Trafficking.
Kandice's presentations pack quite a punch so be prepared to take notes and feel empowered. Exact presentation material subject to change per world events!

Wrap Up & Tomorrow's Agenda
The Therapy Sisters
A brief recap of the day from our hostess corp, Kathleen Mills and Kip Rodgers, including some housekeeping notes and information about what you might want to do with your free night off and a solid look at what to expect tomorrow.
Don't forget to visit the Exhibitor area and do some networking with them and your fellow members.
And don't stay out too late because you won't want to miss one minute of tomorrow's material. Just sayin'....

Free Night on Your Own
Enjoy Yourself!
The evening is yours! Plenty of local restaurants to visit in Richardson, or grab a friend, call an Uber and venture a bit farther out to Plano, McKinney or even Dallas. Have a drink in the bar, sit by the pool, weather permitting, or simply retire to your room for the evening. It's your night, your call!

Day 2 Lineup
Registration & Hot Breakfast
The registration table will be manned from 7AM-8AM. Should you have any registration needs after that simply find a "Yellow Shirt" and they'll gladly help you. There will be a breakfast buffet set up for you so avail yourself of that and we'll meet you, again, in the main conference room and get started promptly at 8:00 AM sharp!

Day 2-Opening Statements
Kathleen Mills, LPC-S, CIMHP
A quick recap of Day 1 with Kathleen, mention a few sponsors then we're off to have a look at what's in store for you on Day 2.
Keeping the Narrative in mind, Kathleen will provide her take on why what you are about to hear may truly represent a sea-change in the rest of your career. The world of counseling is changing and we adapt or get left behind!

Dr. Brian Procter
McKinney Family Medicine
The Changing World of Healthcare
A whole-body approach to mental health means utilizing alternative treatments, and payment options. Dr Procter will discuss "post-Covid injuries", their treatments, and how to offer your clients an alterative way to pay for medical services in addition to other topics he feels might be beneficial to you. Exact presentation material subject to change per world events!

Dr. Peter McCullough
McKinney Family Medicine
Vaccine Injury & Mental Health Presentations
Dr McCullough will discuss the current state of vaccine injury with a probable emphasis on myocarditis and other heart-related issues. He'll render his thoughts on how the mental health community can best serve those affected both now and in the future. Exact presentation material subject to change per world events!

Brett Bashawaty
Nutritional Expert
Nutrition and Mental Health Outcomes
What if you could help your clients alleviate some or all of their mental health issues through diet, without the need for yet another pill? Could it really be that simple? Better mental health through proper nutrition is a real "thing". Exact presentation material subject to change per world events!
Read Brett's bio here.

Dr. Peter Glidden
Naturopathic Medicine
Value of Naturopathic Medicine in Your Practice
Mind and body, symptoms vs cause---ideologies about medicine and mental health you need to supercharge your practice. Exact presentation material subject to change per world events!

Dr. Lee Merritt
Naturopathic Medicine
Current Medical Issues & Alternative Treatment Options
Dr Merritt is an encyclopedia of information on the current medical issues of our time and the best treatment options medicine has to offer. Exact presentation material subject to change per world events!
Roundtable Discussion
Imagine being able to ask these internationally prominent speakers a question. That's exactly what we're going to give you the opportunity to do!

Kathleen Mills LPC-S CIMHP
Conference Wrap-Up
"Go Forth and Multiply"
In this closing keynote, Kathleen will offer you a no-holds barred assessment of where we are, your options as a front-line mental health provider, and a straight-forward road-map to get you there! What a frighteningly wonderful time to be alive; to be a Patriot!
We got this!

Exhibitor Opportunities
Want to Be an Exhibitor?
We're looking for exhibitors for our October conference. If you, or anyone you know is associated with a product or service company that caters specifically to the whole-body wellness community, please let us know. We're going to have a conference full of front-line counselors that want to establish relationships with you. They want partners that can help them help their clients with their mind-body-spirit issues in order to help them heal themselves and achieve a better state of mental wellness. If that sounds like you then fill in the form below and let's see how we can help each other.
We have multiple sponsoring opportunity packages ranging from $750-$2,500 to sponsor various speakers, registration tables, SWAG Bags, lanyards, breakout sessions, and of course, (2) breakfast and (2) lunch events. Or you might want to sponsor the cocktail party the night before. If your company could benefit from having its name in front of hundreds of licensed mental health counselors for 2 days then we urge you to complete the form below and let's talk about how we can help each other. Most packages (not all, but most!) include an exhibitor table with two chairs and electric outlets.
Once you submit your contact info via the form you'll be able to download a pdf flyer explaining the various participation options.