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Our Annual AMHP Conference

October 9-10, 2025

Join Us Again This Year in Carrollton, TX

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Kathleen Mills LPC-S

A Message From Kathleen Mills LPC-S

2025 is going to be an "exciting" year for all of us with a lot of changes at every level of our world, including our profession. In a conscious effort to give you a timely and relevant wholistic conference, Phillip and I have done our very best to look forward and anticipate what those changes might look like a year from now.

We've lined up speakers to address the most relevant and helpful topics across a broad spectrum of specialties and we'll give you speaker panels on both days so you can ask them questions yourself. New for this year we'll be holding "Table Topics" so you can spend more time with each other and interact on a more personal basis. And, yes, you'll receive 16 CE hours for the event. This is going to be fun!

Grab Your Ticket Below and Join Us!

Interested in Exhibitor or Sponsor Information?

All of our exhibitors and sponsors are potential support team members for our wholistic counselors. If you're interested in finding out more about meeting like-minded mental health counselors to work with, or simply sponsoring the fight to reclaim our profession and grow the wholistic world of mental health options, click here!

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"Hope for Our Profession and Our Clients

Through Wholistic Paradigms, in a Revitalizing America"

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Hotel Information

Location: Carrollton, TX

Room Rate: $169

How Do I Register: Click Courtyard logo above.

AMHP Annual Conference 2024 Courtyard Collage

Registration Information

Early-Bird pricing for AMHP members ($495) is good until midnight March 31. Price goes up to $595 for members on April 1, 2025. To access the member pricing please log in first. 

You do not need to be an AMHP member to attend this conference, but we'd love to have you join us as one. Check out the member registration details here to join.


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Day 1 Speaker Line-Up

Dr. Mark McDonald

Dr. Mark McDonald

Mass Delusional Psychosis and It's Effects on Your Clients
MDP cripples critical thinking skills to the point an individual cannot process an issue, which adversely affects their quality of life and those around them. Dr. Mark McDonald literally "wrote the book" on this topic. He'll be sharing his latest thoughts in this area and how you may best help your clients who have been affected by it the most.

Dr. Peter Glidden, NP

Dr. Peter Glidden, ND

A Spectrum Recovery Model: A Fully Nutrified Body and Avoiding The 12 Bad Foods
So many people are being diagnosed with ADHD, Autism, Asperger's, and other learning disorders that didn't exist 50 years ago. Dr. Peter Glidden will be discussing spectrum presentations and the role that food plays in both the condition's origin and its treatment. You'll feel better prepared to provide non-pharma help to your clients dealing with spectrum issues.

Dr. Jeff Wulfman MD

Dr. Jeff Wulfman

We're in an Epidemic of Parasitism
Parasites live in every living creature on the planet including humans. As wholistic counselors we know there is a mind-body component to good mental health which begs the question, "How do parasites affect our mental health?". Optimal mental health requires an optimal gut biome which means addressing the parasite issue. If you've never heard Dr. Wulfman speak on this issue then this is one conference you're not going to want to miss!

Day 1 Speaker Panel with Q&A From the Audience

All 3 of our Day 1 speakers will be participating in the most popular aspect of our conferences, the speaker panel, moderated by our very own Kathleen Mills LPC-S. You'll be given the opportunity throughout the morning to submit your written questions and Kathleen will do her very best to get to them all!

Got Table Topics?

Following the Speaker's Panel we'll spend the afternoon doing moderated Table Topics; 12-15 of the hottest and most relevant topics of interest, designed to send your practice into the wholistic stratosphere! We'll do the same list of Table Topics on both days so you'll have a chance to get to quite a few of them. (Scroll down for a list of those topics.)

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Day 2 Speaker Line-Up

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Dr. Sherry Tenpenny, DO

The 40 Mechanisms of Injury and Other Current Events
Dr. Tenpenny is the author/curator of the "40 Mechanisms of Injury", a list of the many neurologic and mental presentations in those who took the Covid shots and various boosters. At this point the correlation between the shots and the injuries has been proven both scientifically and statistically. Dr. Tenpenny is going to connect those dots for you, putting you in a better position to recognize possible vaccine injury and have these conversations with your clients.

Dr. Bryan Ardis

Dr. Bryan Ardis, DC

The Correlation Between Neuro-Toxins and Vax Injuries
Dr. Ardis has done voluminous research into the chemical make-up of the vaccines and has drawn significant conclusions  about the neuro-toxins contained in them. He's also identified practical solutions and all of this is laid out in his latest book, "Moving Beyond the Covid-19 Lies". He'll connect the dots for you including the correlation between how the DSM-V-TR is "supporting" (normalizing) these injuries. This information is crucial in order to have meaningful discussions with your mental health clients. Are you ready?

Dr. Lee Merritt

Dr. Lee Merritt, Orthopaedist

Parasites and Their Relationship to Mental Health
What does this have to do with mental health? Animals and humans host parasites. We treat our animals for it but ignore it in humans. Parasites cause bodily injury and that can have very real, very detrimental effects on mental health. Dr. Lee Merritt is considered the Queen among her peers on the topic of parasites and will inform you on their various presentations, including cancers, how to look for symptoms, and what steps to take. It's all connected.

Day 2 Speaker Panel with Q&A From the Audience

Again, all 3 of our Day 2 speakers will be participating in the speaker panel, moderated once again by Kathleen Mills LPC-S. You'll be given the opportunity throughout the morning to submit your written questions and Kathleen will get to them all!

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Table Topic Discussions

On both Day 1 and Day 2 following our Speaker Panel Q&A sessions we'll spend the late afternoons in deep discussion with each other about a myriad of topics listed below. You'll be able to select the topics of your choosing, each table will feature a moderator to keep the conversations lively, and you'll be able to interact with your peers and the exhibitors. This will be fun!

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A Legislative Discussion

Big changes at both the Federal and State levels. Let's talk about the changing laws that will directly, and indirectly affect your practice. 

Your Moderator

Rhonda Velders LPC will be your moderator for this table topic.

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Regaining Public Trust

The last 4 years have done a real number on the public's trust towards the medical profession, including us. How do we get it back?

Your Moderator

Courtney Pessa, LPC will be your moderator for this table topic.

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Build Your Wholistic Team

You'll need a team of wholistic services providers to work with you and your client. This is where you begin to build your team.

Your Moderator

Megan Roberts, FNP-C will be your moderator for this table topic.

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Screening Through Niches

Focusing on a specific target market has a number of benefits: financial, operational, and screening out clients that don't fit your expertise.

Your Moderator

Kip Rodgers LPC-S will be your moderator for this table topic.

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Frequency as Therapy

Heal the body and the mind will follow! Let's talk about frequency therapies, their health benefits, and what that has to do with mental health.

Your Moderator

Rick Guerrero will be your moderator for this table topic.

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The Conservative Therapist

What does it mean to be a conservative therapist? A discussion of professional decorum and differing political views in America.

Your Moderator

Soad Tabrizi, MFT will be your moderator for this table topic.

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Platform Integrations

All of your practice service platforms need to work together or it'll cost you time and money. Integration is the key. Here's what you need to know.

Your Moderator

Bryan Dillon will be your moderator for this table topic.

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Networking For Growth

It's not what you know, it's who you know. Relationships grow business so learn how to get really good at it and make it part of your routine.

Your Moderator

Kristi Lewis will be your moderator for this table topic.

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Trans Issue Discussion

A lot of things have changed on several fronts. We'll touch them all especially what you need to know to deal directly with your clients.

Your Moderator

Pamela Garfield-Jaeger LCSW, will be your moderator for this table topic.

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We're working on this one!

Your Moderator

TBD will be your moderator for this table topic.

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Pay Rates Dropping?

If we're short on licensees, why is my pay rate dropping? Find out why and what you can do about it. (Hint: Vertical Consolidation is the issue.)

Your Moderator

Sean Shahkarami, LPC Board Member, will be your moderator for this table topic.

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The Wholistic Intake Process

An overview of the intake process for wholistic clients from your website to intake forms to the first session. What needs to take place?

Your Moderator

Billie Baker, LPC-S, will be your moderator for this table topic.

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Family Dynamics Issues

Friction in the family unit is a constant: couples stress, child issues, parent-child issues, technology and child development. Let's get started! 

Your Moderator

Rick McCarthy MFT will be your moderator for this table topic.

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Counseling Men

Is there a war on men? And male counselors? This will be a discussion about the social hurdles involved in the world of counseling for men.

Your Moderator

Kelly Kilcoyne LPC will be your moderator for this table topic.

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We're working on this one!

Your Moderator

TBD will be your moderator for this table topic.